The Crucial Role of Love

Aish Israel has been bringing groups of Israeli entrepreneurial millennials to the United States for the past few years. Fresh from their service in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) these young Israelis spend time getting to know leaders of American Jewry.
Inspiration from Washington

My day in Washington was truly a day of love. It was a day of focus on how to inculcate the love of the Almighty in young Jews. It was a day of receiving love and support from Senators in Washington. It was a day of hearing about a Catholic and former Marine’s love for Israel and the Jewish people.
An unexpected partner in bittersweet times

Nas came to film at Aish and featured Rabbi Dov Ber Cohen giving pearls of wisdom throughout the 11-minute video. My favorite part was the focus on how Jews argue when they study Torah.
Never Again

This past week the entire Jewish world commemorated Holocaust Remembrance Day, also known as Yom HaShoah. For so many years the Jewish community has focused on this date to remember our six million murdered brothers and sisters.
This is not the end of our story

This is not the end of our story. This is a challenge to be sure, but the Jewish people are resilient. We will find our way through these difficult times and will emerge stronger than ever. We must continue our efforts to stand by one another.
Thank You, Almighty

While I have been doing this for years, one of the media articles from this past week moved me tremendously. I was asked by Greg Wehner of Fox News to join a conversation regarding the attack on Israel by Iran.
Responding To Iran’s Attack Last Night

Already for more than half a year Israel has been at war. Last night something unprecedented took place. Iran, for the first time in history, directly attacked Israel.
United As a People We Will Get Through This

The headlines are full of declarations by Iran and its proxies to attack Israel in horrific ways that have not yet been seen. Many are asking me what will be with the future of Jewry and Israel. It is within this spirit that I want to depart from my regular style of reporting on the important work within Aish and tell you what’s in my heart.
Standing Strong

Later in the week, I attended the Hertog Forum for National Security war briefing by American and Israeli political and military leaders in Washington with my good friend Dr. Avishai Neuman.
Storming the Gates of Heaven Together With 5 Million Jews

We reached out to the group that is representing the families of the hostages to suggest how important it would be to try to get the entire Jewish world to pray together for their loved ones. The result was a program that brought Jews from every corner of the globe to say the Shema prayer, the central prayer of the Jewish people, together.