Ensuring the Future of our Jewish Legacy

Pillars of Aish is a network of visionary benefactors committed to the continuity of our Jewish legacy.

Members impart Jewish wisdom and values to Jews around the world by supporting the Aish mission to create a global culture of Jewish learning and engagement.

By Becoming a Pillar of Aish you will




our Jewish legacy for
generations to come.


access to exclusive
events and privileges.

WE HONOR the following Pillars of Aish for their generous support

Diamond Pillars

Anonymous (1)
The Jake F. Aronov Foundation
Cross River
Bob and Michelle Diener
Daniel and Bari Erber

Sander and Tracy Gerber

Dr. Stuart and Andrea Hytman

David and Debra Magerman Family

Phil Lieberman and Lori Miller Family

The Mayberg Foundation

Platinum Pillars


Dennis and Debra Berman
(in honor of Melvin and Helene Berman ztl)

Elliot and Robin Broidy

The Hochstein Foundation

The Sammy Farkas Foundation

The Scherr Family Foundation

Alex and Diana Tsigutkin

The Zalik Foundation

Gold Pillars


Anonymous Westchester Foundation

David and Ruchie Blaivas

William and Shuly Bron

Aba and Pamela Claman

Daily Giving Inc.

Estate of the late Morry Gold Z”L

Murray and Basheva Goldberg

Marc S. Goldman

David and Rebeca Heller

Dr. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz

David and Malia Litman

Keren Maimonides

Jacob and Milena Khotoveli

Azi and Rachel Mandel

David and Lori Moore

Ira and Diana Riklis

Ronald z”l and Sandra Schiff

The Slone Family

Isaac Rubinstein and Jeannette Waserstein

Suri Weiss

Silver Pillars

Anonymous (4)

Brad and Julia Berger

Shully and Eliana Braunstein

The Jon and Susan Diamond Foundation

Ronald and Sandy Diamond

East West Capital Inc

Tzvi and Mindy Ehrenfeld Philanthropy Fund

Jack and Carole Forgash

Yaakov and Sarah Gade

Yoni and Sarah Goodman

Allen Isaac and Edie Gross

Hahn Family Foundation

Elizabeth Holland and Rabbi Gidon Rothstein

Benjamin Israel

Ahron and Rivky Katz

Barry and Toby Kohn

Marc Shmuel Levine

Josef Loeffler

Marcelo and Caroline Messer

The Milken Family Foundation

Dr. Avishai and Elisheva Neuman

Daniel Rabinowitz

Daniel and Ilana Ratner

Stephen Rosenberg

Robert and Diane Roskind

Familia Shemaria

Henry and Talia Siegel

Andrew and Evelyn Spodek

Jonathan and Irit Tratt

Moises and Nancy Wengrowsky

Kenny and Meredith Yager

Bronze Pillars

Anonymous (3)

Donny and Racheli Abramoff

Gerald Barad

Yale and Dr. Annie Baron

Steven and Miriam Bram

Seth and Sharon Damski

John and Carol Engelman

Joshua and Candice Feiler

Mark and Cheryl Friedman

Yehuda and Chany Fulda

Howard and Joan Gellis

Elliot and Debbie Gibber

Isaac & Raymond Gindi & Families

Jack Gindi

Rabbi Ben and Aviva Gonsher

The Hakimi Family

Shimmie and Alissa Horn

Steven Horowitz

Martin and Golda (O”BM) Jacobs

Alan and Edna Jaffa

Avi and Becky Katz

Eric and Jill Lavitsky

Andrew and Leah Lewis

Marc and Hon. Ellen Lipton

Marc Lisker

Dr. Ralph and Judy Marcus

Erik and Jill Maschler

Michael and Tova Nechamkin

Pavel and Kimberly Oliva

Dr. Martin and Grace Rosman

Michelle and William Saka

Alberto and Shelly Senado

Daniel and Diana Sragowicz

The Walder Foundation

Aaron Weitman

The Wolasky Family Philanthropic Fund


Anonymous (3)

Joel and Ivonne Aizenman

Michael and Chevy Bauman

Saby and Doris Behar

Daniel and Michal Behar

Lawrence and Elyse Benenson

Stephen Berch

Alan and Perla Berkowitz

Ariel and Nicole Borzutzky

Aryeh Bourkoff and Family

Dov and Erika Braun

Jose and Kimberly Cohen

Thomas J. Coleman

Peter and Karen Cooper

Reuben and Jennifer Daniels

Joe and Fabiana Eisner

Steven Finer

Sheara Fredman

Jared Friedberg

Dr. David and Ellen Friedman

Russell Galbut

Ephraim and Gila Gerszberg

Michael Satine and Ruth Goldstein

Daniel Gryfe

Naomi and Akiva Hackenbroch

Howard Hershkovich

Elliot and Amy Holtz

Yury and Kate Izrailevsky

Samuel and Lara Jacob

The J Group LLC

William and Elizabeth Kahane

George Karfunkel

Maurice and Olga Kaufman

Uri and Judy Kaufthal

Larry and Polly Klane


Martin and Malka Klein Charity

Kevin and Amy Lefcoe

Michael and Troi-Michele Lefkowitz and Family

Dr. Jonathan and Donna Levinson

The Marcus Charitable Fund

The Marcus Family Foundation

Aryeh and Goldie Platschek

Elite Podiatry LLC

Richard and Stephanie Pomerantz

Daniel and Michal Pupkin

Andrew and Monique Richtschaffen

Donny and Arielle Rosenberg

Rabbi Dovid and Elana Rosman

Sidney and Merry Rosman

The Robert Russell Memorial Foundation

Safra Bank

Jeff and Marla Schachter

Herbert and Esther Scheuer

Jonathan and Ifat Shelon

Brian and Bailey Sigman

Slomo & Cindy Silvian Foundation

David and Jacqueline Simon Charitable Foundation

Douglas and Rita Skolnick

David and Stephanie Sokol

Sommer Family Foundation

Richard and Marisa Stadtmauer

Shmayah and Estee Stimler

Eli Sutton

Estate of the Late Rashelle Shelley Tayar

UJA Federation of New York


Federico and Bettina Weil

Shlomo and Blimi Weiss

Carey and Yael Wolchok

David Yoskowitz


Giving Levels

Diamond Pillar

$ 250k +
  • In Person Corporate Lunch n' Learn with the CEO of Aish Global
  • Private Shabbat Dinner in the Dan Family Aish World Center (up to 10 people)*
  • Preferred pricing for Smachot hosted in the Dan Family Aish World Center
  • One day parking pass in the Old City*
  • Benefits transferable to family or friends
  • Inclusive of Friends, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Benefits

Platinum Pillar

$ 100K +
  • 30 minute private in person session with the Rosh Yeshiva
  • Reknown Aish educator deliver a home session to family and friends
  • Plaque in the Dan Family Aish World Center
  • Inclusive of Friends, Bronze, Silver and Gold Benefits



$ 50k +
  • Exclusive access to early bird prices and Aish event availability*
  • Use one of our conference rooms at the Dan Family Aish World Center*
  • One hour private phone session with the Rosh Yeshiva
  • A catered meal for family overlooking the Kotel Plaza (up to 10 people)*
  • Inclusive of Friends, Bronze and Silver Benefits



$ 25K +
  • Invitation to our exclusive annual Aish Legacy Summit
  • Membership to the Jewish Wisdom Society
  • Private learning sessions in the Dan Family Aish World Center with renown Aish Educators
  • Inclusive of Friends and Bronze Benefits



$ 18K +
  • Exclusive invites to in person events for members only
  • Private VIP tour of Western Wall Experience
  • Day of Learning in memory or celebration of a friend or family member, publicized on aish.com*
  • Personal prayers inserted into the Western Wall
  • Inclusive of Friends Benefits


$ 10K +
  • Exclusive invitations to Virtual Insider Programming
  • Recognition in all digital and printed Aish material

* Subject to availability.

For more information, contact Mrs. Leah Perrin at pillars@aish.com