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From the CEO

From the desk of Rabbi Steven Burg, AISH CEO

Rabbi Burg

Power of One

Ten months ago Aish restarted our women’s educational division which was formerly called EYAHT. Today our two flagship programs, Aish Aspire and Aish Gesher for Women have been wildly oversubscribed.

Rabbi Burg

Let’s eat PIE

Over 3000 years ago we received a beautiful diamond from the Almighty. Take it, polish it, own it and share it.

Rabbi Burg

White House to the Classroom

Over the years I have had many opportunities to attend meetings and gatherings at the White House. As an American Jew, I have always treasured these moments and in fact treat them as a responsibility.

Rabbi Burg

A Wedding for the Ages

We must always care for one another. We must always assist one another. We must always celebrate with one another. May we all constantly remember what is important in life: to love and be there for one another. There is no greater mission for a Jew.

Rabbi Burg

Going Back to Egypt

Understanding the needs and challenges of Jewish communities around the world is so important for the health and continuity of the Jewish people. As my travel took me to Egypt this past week, I felt a certain amount of conflict that I hadn’t before.

Rabbi Burg

Making New Friends

What we can never forget is that we are family. The greater Jewish family. We can argue all day long but in the end we must hug each other. We must love each other. We must defend each other.

Rabbi Burg

The Dee Family

We are the only people who have a designated term for our particular form of racism: “antisemitism.” It is as strong today as it was in the time of the Egyptians.

Rabbi Burg

Back at the UN

The Seder is the night where we attempt to intellectually stimulate Jews of all ages around our table. We reminisce about how, when all seemed lost, the Almighty heard our prayers, rescuing us from tyranny and oppression.

Rabbi Burg


No one sacrificed more for Aish or worked harder to build our organization than Rebbetzin Weinberg. Incredibly, she still managed to raise twelve beautiful children while playing a pivotal role at Aish.

Rabbi Burg

A Loving World

Rav Noach was famous for telling his students that if he had ten of the right Jews, he could change the world. Often he would say that Rabbi David Geffen was certainly one of those ten.

Rabbi Burg

It’s Not About Us

Being a part of Aish means seeking out ways to heal the world and build proverbial bridges all around us.

Rabbi Burg

A True Partner

AISH has and always will be there for every Jew no matter where they are located. Please join the entire AISH family as we achieve our philanthropic goal and tell the world that the Jewish Nation is alive and well. Am Yisroel Chai!

Rabbi Burg


One of the highlights of the year in Jerusalem is when we have Aish Branch directors from around the world converge on our headquarters in Jerusalem for our annual Aish ProDev Conference.

Rabbi Burg

Remembering a Giant

We observed the 14th yahrzeit of Aish founder and leader, the great visionary, Rabbi Noach Weinberg zt”l.

Rabbi Burg

Crossing the Ukranian Border

When Chief Rabbi Moshe Reuven Azman of Ukraine came to visit me in Jerusalem, I asked how I could help. He suggested that I come to strengthen the resolve of the Jews of Ukraine. I immediately said I would try my best to come.

Rabbi Burg

Aish In Lakewood

AishVision 2030 is not just Aish’s vision. It is a vision for the Jewish Nation. We are only as strong as the love that Jews have for each other and the Almighty.

Rabbi Burg

Ambassadors, Leaders and more!

We have a mission at Aish. We know that the knowledge that we possess can change lives for the better. We must facilitate the dissemination of that knowledge and make it easily attainable for all.

Rabbi Burg

Remembering a Hero & Our 5 Core Values

It is not miraculous that Aish has achieved international recognition as one of the most inspirational and successful Jewish organizations in existence. Learn about the core values that got us here.

Rabbi Burg

University of the Jewish People

Every day millions of Jews are walking our streets with no knowledge of the beauty of our faith.We want everyone to be able to study Jewish wisdom from your home.

Rabbi Burg

Praying at the White House

Once again it was my honor to represent Aish at the White House Chanukah party. It has always been a personally meaningful event for me as I am so thankful for the freedom of religion that we have as Jews in America.

Rabbi Burg

What is our WHY?

Why do we think AishVision 2030 is so imperative for the Jewish people? Learn more about our why and how integral it is for the Jewish future.

Rabbi Burg

A Nation of Love

I hope that this glimpse into the electric atmosphere at Aish gives you an idea of what we are focused on.

Rabbi Burg


I hope that this glimpse into the electric atmosphere at Aish gives you an idea of what we are focused on.

Rabbi Burg

Aish at the White House

I hope that this glimpse into the electric atmosphere at Aish gives you an idea of what we are focused on.

Rabbi Burg

Jamie Geller!!!

I hope that this glimpse into the electric atmosphere at Aish gives you an idea of what we are focused on.

In The News

The Power of Words

“Life revolves around words,” rap legend Nissim Black said at New York City’s Safra Center on Nov. 8th. “We take for granted how much speech has an effect on a person’s mind, soul, entire being.”

I am My Brother’s Keeper

I am My Brother’s Keeper

We have a dynamic couples Aish Destiny mission which has come to spend time in Israel connecting with each other…
DMing my rabbi: Aish's live chats see spike 300% post-Oct. 7, antisemitism surge

DMing my rabbi: Aish's live chats see spike..., post-October 7, saw a 300% surge in live web chat use, aiding Jews worldwide to reconnect with their heritage…
Building a Movement in Ashdod

Building a Movement in Ashdod

This past week the executive team of Aish, together with many members of the senior leadership team, gathered in Ashdod…
The Importance of Being Eternally Optimistic

The Importance of Being Eternally Optimistic

I had the honor of spending time in the Knesset this week. I spoke with my longtime friend, MK Yitzhak…
Humility and the Path to the Jewish Future

Humility and the Path to the Jewish Future

This past week we met in person to talk about how to bring more partners into our circle in an…
Joy and Inspiration on the Home Front

Joy and Inspiration on the Home Front

My wife and I have been blessed to marry off our second child in six months. The experience has been…
Addressing Young Heroes and Future Leaders

Addressing Young Heroes and Future Leaders

October 7th has redefined us as a people. Our Aish Rabbis on campus have had to retool and deal with…
The Next CEO of Aish is…

The Next CEO of Aish is…

Between the thousands of young Jews dancing in the Kotel plaza this week and the thousands of young Jews studying…
The Crucial Role of Love

The Crucial Role of Love

Aish Israel has been bringing groups of Israeli entrepreneurial millennials to the United States for the past few years. Fresh…
Inspiration from Washington

Inspiration from Washington

My day in Washington was truly a day of love. It was a day of focus on how to inculcate…
An unexpected partner in bittersweet times

An unexpected partner in bittersweet times

Nas came to film at Aish and featured Rabbi Dov Ber Cohen giving pearls of wisdom throughout the 11-minute video.…
Never Again

Never Again

This past week the entire Jewish world commemorated Holocaust Remembrance Day, also known as Yom HaShoah. For so many years…
This is not the end of our story

This is not the end of our story

This is not the end of our story. This is a challenge to be sure, but the Jewish people are…
Thank You, Almighty

Thank You, Almighty

While I have been doing this for years, one of the media articles from this past week moved me tremendously.…
Responding To Iran’s Attack Last Night

Responding To Iran’s Attack Last Night

Already for more than half a year Israel has been at war. Last night something unprecedented took place. Iran, for…
United As a People We Will Get Through This

United As a People We Will Get Through...

The headlines are full of declarations by Iran and its proxies to attack Israel in horrific ways that have not…
Standing Strong

Standing Strong

Later in the week, I attended the Hertog Forum for National Security war briefing by American and Israeli political and…
Storming the Gates of Heaven Together With 5 Million Jews

Storming the Gates of Heaven Together With 5...

We reached out to the group that is representing the families of the hostages to suggest how important it would…
Old Friends and Rekindling Relationships

Old Friends and Rekindling Relationships

Reconnecting with old friends is one of my favorite parts of my job. There is nothing like revisiting someone or…
Thanking Those Who Stand With Us

Thanking Those Who Stand With Us

Aish eagerly offered to host the former boxing champion Floyd Mayweather, Jr. at the Dan Family Aish World Center when…
Nothing is Stronger Than the Broken Heart of a Jew

Nothing is Stronger Than the Broken Heart of...

The founder of the Aish movement, Rav Noach Weinberg, was often quoted as saying “ If you don’t know what…
Shattered Hearts and Heartfelt Hugs

Shattered Hearts and Heartfelt Hugs

It was quite a week. It was a week of hugs and tears. It was a week of recommitting to…
Shedding a Light Unto the Nations

Shedding a Light Unto the Nations

One of the highlights of working at Aish is attending the weddings of our students and staff. This past Sunday…
Think Jewish. Live Inspired.

Think Jewish. Live Inspired.

Everywhere I go, people are taken by our efforts to bring Jewish wisdom to the masses. I was blessed to…
Climbing the Summit

Climbing the Summit

There is nothing more satisfying than seeing work that has taken years to accomplish come to fruition. I had such…
From the Brooklyn Nets to the White House

From the Brooklyn Nets to the White House

From Brooklyn I headed to Washington DC for a long overdue trip. I have been traveling to DC for the…
Aish and Chabad United

Aish and Chabad United

As I have said often, Aish cannot accomplish our important work alone. So I was overjoyed to get a call…
Praying for Kidnapped Babies

Praying for Kidnapped Babies

A few nights ago I was asked by a local group in Bergen County New Jersey to share words of…
Captain Ron Afrimi

Captain Ron Afrimi

This week we lost a member of our Aish Israel community. Captain Ron Afrimi grew up as a secular Israeli.…
Investing in the Jewish People

Investing in the Jewish People

Our goal was to make the acquisition of Jewish wisdom, which has been responsible for the establishment of ethics and…