White House on (Hanukkah) Fire
At the end of the night we had a chance to hear from President Biden who expressed his support for Israel and the Jewish Nation.
From the desk of Rabbi Steven Burg, AISH CEO
At the end of the night we had a chance to hear from President Biden who expressed his support for Israel and the Jewish Nation.
We must make a strong case for the fact that Judaism brought morality and ethics to the world. We must recapture their passion and utilize it to make the world a better place.
This past week I traveled to seven cities in five days with Aish’s indefatigable Executive Director, Rabbi Ben Gonsher.
This past week I spent time with two career politicians, one Israeli and one American who were deeply soulful gentlemen.
300,000 Jews traveled to Washington to tell the world that they stand shoulder to shoulder with the Jews of Israel. The spirit of the Jewish Nation can never be broken. Am Yisroel Chai!
As this unprecedented situation continues with over 200 of our Jewish brothers and sisters in captivity, we are quickly learning who our friends are around the world.
One of the highlights amongst all the sorrow has been the incredible amount of kindness that has come as a result of so many Jews being displaced from their homes.
With the help of a small group of dedicated partners who care deeply for the Jewish nation, the heads of Aish Israel, Rabbi Eitiel Goldwicht and Rabbi Shimmy Kaufman leapt into action coordinating a “Global Day of Prayer for the Hostages and the Missing.
Our hearts are broken over the pain that the Jewish Nation has suffered. Yet, there is an inner resolve among us all that we must now move forward and support the IDF as they seek the return of the captives.
So many emotions have run through my heart over the past few days: incredible sadness at what has transpired; tremendous pride at the heroes who raced down south to save Jews; and, an unbreakable commitment to do whatever I can do strengthen the Jewish people.
This week has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. From my perch overlooking the Western Wall I have watched millions of Jews stream into the Old City of Jerusalem.
Words cannot accurately describe the atmosphere at Aish over Yom Kippur.
I told one of our supporters recently that I believe that Aish’s “Super Power” is the fact that we listen carefully to feedback. We know that the only way to be truly successful is to keep improving, and improvement only comes with guidance and the humility to listen to others.
May the coming year be one filled with laughter, passion, inspiration, joy and fulfillment. May the Almighty bless us all with a closeness to Him and each other. May we merit to reunite with Him in His holy palace in Jerusalem.
My friends, love is the one resource which is unlimited and we will never run out. Let’s spread our love among our Jewish brothers and sisters.
The biggest threat that I am more concerned about than any of the other typical menaces is the lack of unity among the Jewish people.
The success of the Jewish people has always revolved around community. We are strongest when our community is united and most vulnerable when we are at odds with each other. During this time we reflect on our lives. What can we be doing better?
The success of the Jewish people has always revolved around community. We are strongest when our community is united and most vulnerable when we are at odds with each other. During this time we reflect on our lives. What can we be doing better?
I travel to be with my Jewish family all around the world. Nothing is sweeter than to sit and talk with Jews from different communities.
Whether it be online or in cities around the world, Aish is inspiring the Jewish nation. Our mission continues to be to ensure 100% of our brothers and sisters ‘Fall in Love with being Jewish’.
This past week, Aish ordained six young rabbis in Jerusalem. I was honored to speak at their graduation.
Many challenges have come along with the extraordinary growth Aish has experienced over the past few years. One of the most pressing issues we have dealt with is a lack of physical space. I am excited to announce that we have recently leased space in the Old City for a new Beis Medrash.
Two years ago Aish branched out from the website onto other social media platforms. Our target for 2023 was 50 million video views on SM. I am proud to report that we achieved that goal in just 6 months! We are consistently breaking a million website sessions on aish.com every month.
I always enjoy spending the 4th of July in Israel. It is a constant reminder of the strong bond between Israel and the United States.
One of the most important aspects of being a Jew is the concept of community. Throughout the ages, the Jewish people have been known for the strength of our ability to support one another.
There is no greater joy that the Almighty has then to see his children working hand in hand towards the betterment of our nation. Thank you Olami for providing a passionate Jewish path for young Jews around the world.
As we have embarked on this annual rigorous self evaluation, I find myself focused on one major question. This question is not “What” or “How” but rather that of “Why.
In my position as CEO of Aish, I have been blessed to meet politicians from around the world. Last week, I found myself moved beyond words to hear the personal stories of two Jewish political leaders.
Ten months ago Aish restarted our women’s educational division which was formerly called EYAHT. Today our two flagship programs, Aish Aspire and Aish Gesher for Women have been wildly oversubscribed.
Over 3000 years ago we received a beautiful diamond from the Almighty. Take it, polish it, own it and share it.