Sleepless Nights
This past week I traveled to seven cities in five days with Aish’s indefatigable Executive Director, Rabbi Ben Gonsher.
US Senator and the Knesset Speaker
This past week I spent time with two career politicians, one Israeli and one American who were deeply soulful gentlemen.
300,000 Jews
300,000 Jews traveled to Washington to tell the world that they stand shoulder to shoulder with the Jews of Israel. The spirit of the Jewish Nation can never be broken. Am Yisroel Chai!
A 13 year old Proud Jew
As this unprecedented situation continues with over 200 of our Jewish brothers and sisters in captivity, we are quickly learning who our friends are around the world.
Love Has No Borders
One of the highlights amongst all the sorrow has been the incredible amount of kindness that has come as a result of so many Jews being displaced from their homes.
Prayers Heard Around the World
With the help of a small group of dedicated partners who care deeply for the Jewish nation, the heads of Aish Israel, Rabbi Eitiel Goldwicht and Rabbi Shimmy Kaufman leapt into action coordinating a “Global Day of Prayer for the Hostages and the Missing.
Sending Love with a Broken Heart
Our hearts are broken over the pain that the Jewish Nation has suffered. Yet, there is an inner resolve among us all that we must now move forward and support the IDF as they seek the return of the captives.
Love from Israel
So many emotions have run through my heart over the past few days: incredible sadness at what has transpired; tremendous pride at the heroes who raced down south to save Jews; and, an unbreakable commitment to do whatever I can do strengthen the Jewish people.
One of the most meaningful experiences of my life
This week has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. From my perch overlooking the Western Wall I have watched millions of Jews stream into the Old City of Jerusalem.
Reflecting on Yom Kippur, Thinking about Sukkos
Words cannot accurately describe the atmosphere at Aish over Yom Kippur.