The Real Cleveland Guardians

I spent a few days earlier this week in Cleveland. In the 90’s, I spent a tremendous amount of time in Cleveland as I worked with Jewish teens in the Midwest regional area. As my travels played out in the past decade, I just never made it back to my old stomping grounds.
Dinner in East Hampton

As an organization that has existed for over 45 years, Aish has impacted millions of Jews. In the course of any given week, I meet so many folks who tell me how Aish has genuinely made a difference in their lives and those of their families.
A Special Shabbos at Camp Kaylie

As an organization that has existed for over 45 years, Aish has impacted millions of Jews. In the course of any given week, I meet so many folks who tell me how Aish has genuinely made a difference in their lives and those of their families.
Love From Israel

Much love from Israel. Although I am working at Aish, most of the country is on vacation. It is fascinating to see the hotels that are usually packed with tourists filled with Israelis who have chosen not to travel abroad this summer due to Covid-19.
The UN to the Jewish People

Aish positioned itself at the planetary wellspring of spirituality by design. Our job is to facilitate inspiration to all.
Keeping the Flame Alive

The week leading up to the day of Tisha B’Av is always the saddest time in the Jewish calendar. It marks the commemorative date that both Jewish Temples were destroyed two thousand years ago.
Journey of a Lifetime

It is always amazing how quickly time flies. This past week marked six years since I started working at Aish.
Surfside – We Are All Family

This week has been one of deeply personal emotions for me.
Progress in Aish Buenos Aires

I have had many conversations with members of the Aish family around the world about their experiences of the trauma of Covid-19.
All Hands on Deck

A busy week in Jerusalem, including the Dan Family Aish World Center, and visiting with students, families, and political friends.