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Aish at Israel’s Parliament

Dear Aish Family,

This week is a sad week for our Aish family. It marks six years since the brutal murder of Aish Rabbi Reuven Biermacher, of blessed memory. I wrote an Op-Ed this week focusing on what we should have learned from his brutal murder. In addition, our Yeshiva always marches to the spot outside the Jaffa Gate where he was killed to remember him in prayer and song. We must never forget that this gentle soul was taken from us solely because he was a Jew who dared to live in Israel.


I was blessed to spend time this past week with some of our lay leaders in NY and Miami. We had many high level meetings discussing AishVision 2030 and our new fiscal 2022 budget. Being in rooms filled with smart partners asking us sharp questions is the way we make sure that our plans are rock solid. I want to thank them for their time, love and support of Aish.


Concurrently in Israel this past week there was an amazing event at Israel’s Parliament. Close Aish friend and Knesset member, Rabbi Yitzchak Pindrus created a working group to strengthen the Jewish people in the Diaspora. The issues raised at this caucus dealt with the dramatic decline in the affiliation of Jews with Israel and their religion.

They reached out to Aish to participate and present in front of many Ministry heads and members of the Knesset. The question was who would be best to present on Aish’s behalf. Frankly, it wasn’t much of a discussion. Rabbi Yehuda Weinberg has always been seen as the spiritual heir to his father, Rav Noach Weinberg, zt’l. Who better to discuss this issue which Rav Noach dedicated his life to addressing.

Rabbi Yehuda started by saying how appropriate and emotional it was for him to be there as this was Rav Noach’s dream. He said that his father “tried as hard as possible to connect Jews from all different backgrounds to the land of Israel.” He went on to explain how Aish, with its global presence, works hard to connect Jews to their heritage and the land of Israel; physically through our branches, and in the meta-digital universe through



In essence, Aish not only re-engages our brothers and sisters through Jewish wisdom but also creates Jewish unity as a result. Imagine a world where we all come together to share a wise thought from the Almighty. Where we put aside our differences and discuss Jewish ethics. Where Jewish morality can be shared and explained. These are the goals of AISHVision 2030. If we are successful, we will inspire 3 million untethered Jews to make Jewish wisdom a priority in their lives. Then we will have a common language and we can communicate through common values.

This was Rabbi Weinberg’s message at the Knesset. If we really want to make an impact on Jews around the world then let us come together to study timeless Jewish wisdom. The result will be a united, strong Jewish Nation. Let us hope and pray that our friends in the Knesset heard our message loud and clear. That they understand that joining the Aish family will achieve their objectives. Thank you Rabbi Yehuda for strengthening your father’s legacy and making us all proud.