Lobby to Strengthen Diaspora Launched in Knesset

Rabbi Yehudah Weinberg of the Aish Hatorah yeshiva noted that his father and Aish Hatorah founder Rabbi Noah Weinberg had dedicated his life to the new lobby’s goal, “to try as hard as possible to connect Jews from all the denominations and of all types to Judaism and the Land of Israel.”
Another Fallen Angel

As we were preparing for the wedding of one of our most popular students, Will Wolfowich, we received the heartbreaking news that one of our students, Joshua Carr a’h, suddenly passed away.
Aish Celebrates Chanukah with 200 YPs at ‘White Party’

Aish Young Professionals hosted London’s first ever Chanukah en Blance in a studio converted beautifully into a magnificent white wonder just off the trendy Bermondsey Street.
Jewish Teens Create World’s Largest LEGO Dreidel for Good Cause

Sunday night marks the eighth night of Chanukah, and Denver-area Jewish teens are celebrating in a unique way at the second-annual Chanukah concert featuring Uri Davidi.
The event is made possible by Denver NCSY and Aish of the Rockies.
Rabbi Burg Hannuka 2021 on “American Agenda”

Rabbi Burg explains the importance and relevance of Hannukah on Newsmax.
Do the special Israel-Diaspora ties go both ways?

Israel’s poor handling of the pandemic has created a rift between Israel and its ‘extended family’ abroad.
Be a Maccabee

We must serve as a beacon of light and goodness for our greater Jewish family. We must be the Maccabees of today and help reconnect with our fellow Jews.
A Fallen Angel

Let us learn from his sacrifice to increase our love for each other and Israel. Let our voices be heard loud and clear that Jews will not be intimidated into leaving Israel.
Come Home

Israel is finally open for all to come and we all need to return home.
Jamie Geller interviewed on “Behind the Bima” podcast

Aish’s CMO joins the hosts of Behind the Bima to discuss her personal journey, her kosher food media empire, and how she is actualizing AishVision 2030.