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The Leaders of Tomorrow

The Leaders of Tomorrow

One of my favorite tasks at Aish is meeting with our students to hear their ideas about how to change…
From Austria, With Love

From Austria, With Love

I am writing to you from Austria where I have had the honor of being the scholar in residence for…
The Secrets of Jewish Longevity and Survival

The Secrets of Jewish Longevity and Survival

I was so proud of our Aish team for producing the groundbreaking documentary “Voices of Pain, Hope, and Heroism.” It…
A Nation of Heroes

A Nation of Heroes

We are a Nation of heroes. From Ambassador Gilad Erdan to the Aish students we all must step forward and…
We Are All Druze

We Are All Druze

I was particularly crushed by the horrific slaughter of the 12 young Druze adolescents murdered by Hezbollah while playing soccer.…


The hate we are encountering is unprecedented in our lifetime. Yet, if we stand together united by the bonds of…
I am My Brother’s Keeper

I am My Brother’s Keeper

We have a dynamic couples Aish Destiny mission which has come to spend time in Israel connecting with each other…
Nas Daily's Conversation With an Aish Rabbi

Nas Daily's Conversation With an Aish Rabbi

"I had a conversation with a Jewish Rabbi I spent one month studying Judaism. And this conversation with a Rabbi…
Rabbi Nechemia Coopersmith of speaks about the aftereffects of October 7

Rabbi Nechemia Coopersmith of speaks about the...

Since October 7, Aish has reported a massive uptick in unaffiliated Jews’ curiosity about their heritage and interest in connecting…
Igniting Spiritual Journeys and Strengthening Jewish Identity: Aish’s Mission to Uplift Jewish People Worldwide

Igniting Spiritual Journeys and Strengthening Jewish Identity: Aish’s...

Through timeless Jewish wisdom, Aish empowers people globally to embrace their heritage, live more thoughtful lives amidst trying times