That is not to say that I still don’t get cynical looks from some people. 3 million is too much. It will never happen. You are not being realistic. These are some of the comments that I get when I speak to people. I want to relate a conversation that I had recently in Lakewood, NJ. Rabbi Elliot Mathias and I traveled down to meet with Michael Bauman, a wonderful lay leader and partner. There were two outstanding outreach professionals in the room. Rabbi Ahron Gruman, who I have known for many years, and Rabbi Yehuda Farber who has become a new friend.
Towards the end of the conversation one of the participants said “You know your vision is insane, right?” I immediately launched into my defensive mode explaining that it is achievable through social media etc. He then cut me off. He told me, “Don’t misunderstand me. I think it’s great that you’re insane. Only Aish can be so insane to think they can go bring 20% of the world Jewish population to Jewish wisdom. The Jewish world needs to think big. We need more insane thinking.”
Furthermore, he started to praise our Rosh Yeshiva Rav Berkovits. He said that he is clearly one of the greatest Rabbis amongst the Jewish people, a real Gadol (great Rabbi). It is so crucial that this vision is coming from such a great Rabbi. I was so moved by his words. He truly understood that at Aish we are trying to do much more than “nice things.” We have a tradition from Rav Noach to Rav Berkovits that we are responsible for changes in the Jewish people! We must move the needle on a major level. We must make sure every Jew has their heritage readily accessible.
This weekend is the holiday of Shavuos when we celebrate receiving the greatest gift ever given in the history of the world. The Almighty gave us Jewish wisdom and values. He gave us the Torah. This has kept us unified and strong for over 3000 years. All morality and ethics stem from this holy book. Take the next few days to reflect on and study Jewish texts. Then let’s roll up our sleeves and double down on our work to make AISHVision 2030 a reality.