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Love from Israel

So many emotions have run through my heart over the past few days: incredible sadness at what has transpired; tremendous pride at the heroes who raced down south to save Jews; and, an unbreakable commitment to do whatever I can do strengthen the Jewish people.

Our Collective Super Power

I told one of our supporters recently that I believe that Aish’s “Super Power” is the fact that we listen carefully to feedback. We know that the only way to be truly successful is to keep improving, and improvement only comes with guidance and the humility to listen to others.

Unforgettable Moments & Reflecting on Rosh HaShana

May the coming year be one filled with laughter, passion, inspiration, joy and fulfillment. May the Almighty bless us all with a closeness to Him and each other. May we merit to reunite with Him in His holy palace in Jerusalem.

Love & Hugs

My friends, love is the one resource which is unlimited and we will never run out. Let’s spread our love among our Jewish brothers and sisters.

Help Me Fix This

The biggest threat that I am more concerned about than any of the other typical menaces is the lack of unity among the Jewish people.


The success of the Jewish people has always revolved around community. We are strongest when our community is united and most vulnerable when we are at odds with each other. During this time we reflect on our lives. What can we be doing better?

Who is your community?

The success of the Jewish people has always revolved around community. We are strongest when our community is united and most vulnerable when we are at odds with each other. During this time we reflect on our lives. What can we be doing better?

Nothing is Sweeter Than This

I travel to be with my Jewish family all around the world. Nothing is sweeter than to sit and talk with Jews from different communities.