Aish Takes Manhattan

We decided to shift our International Meetings to New York. What an amazing few days it has been! We spent nearly the entire first day reviewing AISHVision 2030. Aish Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits spoke about the origins of the plan and he described in intricate detail how we arrived at our ten-year vision.
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

I now realize that this was Rabbi Weinberg’s greatest talent. He had a special ability to inspire donors to not just give money but to rally around the cause of inspiring the next generation of Jews. Mr. Dan and his close friend former Aish International President Harvey Hecker zt”l partnered with Rabbi Weinberg to start a movement which is still growing at a rapid pace.
Family Ties

The world doesn’t really understand why the Jewish Nation is indestructible and invincible. It is because of one word. Family.
Aish at Israel’s Parliament

This was Rabbi Weinberg’s message at the Knesset. If we really want to make an impact on Jews around the world then let us come together to study timeless Jewish wisdom. The result will be a united, strong Jewish Nation. Let us hope and pray that our friends in the Knesset heard our message loud and clear.
Another Fallen Angel

As we were preparing for the wedding of one of our most popular students, Will Wolfowich, we received the heartbreaking news that one of our students, Joshua Carr a’h, suddenly passed away.
Be a Maccabee

We must serve as a beacon of light and goodness for our greater Jewish family. We must be the Maccabees of today and help reconnect with our fellow Jews.
A Fallen Angel

Let us learn from his sacrifice to increase our love for each other and Israel. Let our voices be heard loud and clear that Jews will not be intimidated into leaving Israel.
Come Home

Israel is finally open for all to come and we all need to return home.
Road to Success

“With AISHVision 2030, I know exactly where you are headed. Will you get there? I don’t know for sure but given Aish’s track record, I would certainly not bet against it.” In fact, he added, “I am clearly betting on your success.”
Female Empowerment

We must engage Jewish women all around the world. Women are and have always been key to the success of the Jewish nation.