Sacred Community

One of the most important aspects of being a Jew is the concept of community. Throughout the ages, the Jewish people have been known for the strength of our ability to support one another.
Inspirational Partnerships

There is no greater joy that the Almighty has then to see his children working hand in hand towards the betterment of our nation. Thank you Olami for providing a passionate Jewish path for young Jews around the world.

As we have embarked on this annual rigorous self evaluation, I find myself focused on one major question. This question is not “What” or “How” but rather that of “Why.
Politicians with a Heart

In my position as CEO of Aish, I have been blessed to meet politicians from around the world. Last week, I found myself moved beyond words to hear the personal stories of two Jewish political leaders.
Power of One

Ten months ago Aish restarted our women’s educational division which was formerly called EYAHT. Today our two flagship programs, Aish Aspire and Aish Gesher for Women have been wildly oversubscribed.
Let’s eat PIE

Over 3000 years ago we received a beautiful diamond from the Almighty. Take it, polish it, own it and share it.
White House to the Classroom

Over the years I have had many opportunities to attend meetings and gatherings at the White House. As an American Jew, I have always treasured these moments and in fact treat them as a responsibility.
A Wedding for the Ages

We must always care for one another. We must always assist one another. We must always celebrate with one another. May we all constantly remember what is important in life: to love and be there for one another. There is no greater mission for a Jew.
Going Back to Egypt

Understanding the needs and challenges of Jewish communities around the world is so important for the health and continuity of the Jewish people. As my travel took me to Egypt this past week, I felt a certain amount of conflict that I hadn’t before.
Making New Friends

What we can never forget is that we are family. The greater Jewish family. We can argue all day long but in the end we must hug each other. We must love each other. We must defend each other.