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One of the most meaningful experiences of my life

This week has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. From my perch overlooking the Western Wall I have watched millions of Jews stream into the Old City of Jerusalem. Why are they here? They have come to celebrate the holiday of Sukkot. They have come to demonstrate their love for the Almighty. There are smiles on every face. The love between the Almighty and His children is indescribable in any language. It is bigger than us all. The Jewish Nation knows that beyond the Kotel on the Temple Mount is the holiest site in the world. So they come to experience that closeness.



What about the Jews around the world who cannot come to Jerusalem? How do they get close from afar? The answer is through the Torah. By studying the Almighty’s wisdom we gain insight into His greatness. The Torah is a window into the goodness and benevolence of the Almighty. This weekend we have a unique opportunity. We will take all the Torah scrolls out of the Ark in every synagogue and dance with the Torahs. We will dance with each other. We will dance with the Almighty. We will dance with hearts filled with love. We will dance to celebrate the honor that the Almighty has given the Jewish Nation in allowing us to bring morality to the world.



My friends, this weekend is the party to end all parties. It is a celebration 3000 years old. It is steeped in love and built on holiness. When you dance this Simchat Torah, please think of all the Jews who are missing this opportunity. Not because they opted out but rather because they just don’t know how to opt in. Take a moment to think about how you will help bring our brothers and sisters into future circles of dancing and celebration. I want to wish all of you the most wonderful Simchat Torah holiday. May you feel the Almighty’s love shine upon your face.